Dear Friends,
Praise the Lord, our fantastic Lord has guided our steps this past week and watched over our lives. Thank you Jesus! As well, thank you so much for taking a few moments to read some church family news in this week's Pastoral Hello.
1. Uncertainty Is the Only Certainty
This past week I heard a leader within our country say, "....the times in which we live can only be as: uncertainty is our only certainty." At first I mildly chuckled at his statement. Yet as I thought about it further, I concluded that he likely speaks for many people. Yet I reflected some more upon his words and was again reminded from my study of Scripture that though the times are uncertain - God is faithful and unchanging and can be trusted in uncertainty.
Indeed what a glorious hope we have in God as we see in Lamentations 3: 22-23:
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never
come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
So be encouraged dear friends as uncertain times continue to unfold around us, for we are in the care of the Unchanging Almighty God.
2. Praise Reports
We are so thankful for God's blessings this past week within our church.
1.) Griefshare Ministry - We had a fantastic start to our Griefshare ministry this past Tuesday evening. We have a precious group of folks involved. Praise the Lord.
2.) Men's Coffee Time - Thank you to the men who gathered for a casual and friendly time of fellowship. We will be meeting once a month for coffee together as men to build friendships. More details to come.
3.) Answers to Prayer - We are grateful to hear from church family members that God is graciously answering some of their prayers. Bless the Lord!
3. Prayer Requests
- LEONARD S. - He fell and has been in the hospital and in physiotherapy. Please pray for wisdom for what the next move will be and strength for Lilly and the family..
- HELEN L. - She had fallen a few weeks ago and is recovering. Pray for her husband Ed as he cares for her.
- CHRIS S - Is going through some tests. Believing for good results.
- NATALIE - She is reporting that she is healed. Pray for her as she returns to work this week.
- MARY L. - She is in the process of biopsies and will be going back in May. Continue to pray for healing.
- RUTH D. - Has been dealing with a blood disorder which has resulted in a growth. Her hemoglobin has stayed the same level for 5 months. Continue to pray for healing from anemia
- JULIA - Continued prayers for ease of pain. Believing for a miracle.
- JANE L. - She has Osteoporosis causing compression fractures. She is also suffering from diverticulitis and an infection. Pray for healing.
- Unspoken requests for others who have some serious health issues.
- LEANNE B. - PRAISE REPORT - Leanne's children, Kira and Arthur,had their visas extended and have their new passports. They now wait for permanent residency for everyone..
- KIRA B. - Leanne B's daughter is continuing to wait for a kidney transplant. She requires dental surgery before the transplant.
- ARTUR B. - Pray for his eyes and wisdom to know what to do with the non-seeing eye and wisdom to know how to keep it healthy as well as the seeing eye.
- ELAINE, Jen K.'s friend has an aggressive Lymphoma. She is starting radiation next week. We pray for a healing touch on her body.
- CHERYL - Doug P's cousin, has finished chemotherapy. The CT scan shows she is free of cancer. She will continue with some infusions. Pray for strength/peace for the family.
- MARGARET S. – Pray for her to regain her strength and have better balance, after suffering from a lengthy illness.
- BARB M. - She has Macular Degeneration. Pray for her eyesight.
- RUTH P.- Pray for a continual touch in her body.
- PHIL B. - Is healing from shingles.Pray that God grant him strength and energy.
- JAN F. – Continued prayer for better sleep and energy recovery. Also for Glen - healing of his MS.
- FAMILIES in our church who have family members struggling with addictions and homelessness. Pray for strength and comfort and wisdom.
- A friend of many HVPA and staff at Taylor Seminary: Alex & Lori M. - Lori's cancer has returned and her husband, Alex, has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
4. Time Change
Don't forget to set your clocks one hour ahead this evening before you go to bed.
5. Sunday, March 9 at 10:30 AM
We invite you to join us this coming Sunday morning at 10:30 am as we meet together onsite and online to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ. Chaplain Brian Bigam will be sharing in Part 2 of our new sermon series, "Spiritual Body Building" as he shares on the subject "Honouring One Another" from Romans 12:9-15.
6. February Church Financial Report
Thank you for your faithful giving to the work of the Lord in February. For your information, here is the February 2025 Financial Recap:
- General Fund - $13,355.60
- Designated Missions - $ 100.00
- General Missions - $ 1,630.00
- Alms/Benev. - $ 690.00
TOTAL $15,775.00
7. Young People's Bible Study
Our young people are meeting this Tuesday evening at the church at 7:00 pm. If you have any questions, please call Pastor Matthew.
8. Griefshare Ministry Continues
If you know of anyone who would like to connect with Griefshare, please encourage them to attend. We continue with Session #2 this coming Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the church.
Please have a beautiful weekend.
Sincerely, Pastor Larry & Colleen, Pastor Matthew & Rebekah, Pastoral Intern Joshua